Wednesday 7 February 2007

The Gift of Time and Life

The year is young ........if it was a child it would be clasped tight to its mother's breast, blinking away still trying to see.

As we slip into the second week in Feb and I begin to realise that this year is racing along - no ..I take that back. The word racing makes you think of something quite evident- that you notice happening. This year conjures up the image of a hour glass- and as the golden sand gently seeps from the upper chamber into the second- its effort less, smooth so smooth that you dont know its happening and how time trudges on remorsely - just as it did the day before and will do today. The gift of life and the gift of time are things that are intangible yet of indefinable and unquantifiable. Last week I resolved to try my best to make the best of every day, thank God for it and do something towards achieving my dream - to become a published writer.

Why last week you may well ask. That's when I found out that a good friend had gone to be with the Lord. A young woman full of dreams, goals and plans for the future. One whom we shared dreams, had the usual kind of chat and the occasion moan about our single state, work, life and all that stuff.

So lets live life to the fullest. Just as my friend did. I believe she maximised the 36 years she spent on this earth. Its made me think about how Im maximising the gifts of time and life God has given me. Some of the things that were such a big deal suddenly begin to look less unimportant in the light of eternity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The words cut through like a sword and pierced like a knife, that is the sad reality of what mature singles go through. To say hi to a (black) brother (never like this with other race of men) he thinks your asking for his hand in marriage you keep a straight face and your branded the ice queen also on the part of some brothers if they approach a (black)sister the response is similar you just cant win. But in God we trust i know he working it out for all us single men and women, his plan for our lives are of good and not bad and to give us an expected end. Loved the blog. keep it up.